Motivational and Inspirational Speak on SUCCESS

SUCCESS "Success is comes from experience and experience comes from bad experiences." Everybody in this world wants to be successful but a very few peoples come in the category of successful persons. According to me, every person has success but they haven't thought they are successful. For example in India there are many unmaintained roads and many cities are not safe in concern about driving but still there are thousands of people driving on these roads for years, “don’t you think they are successful in saving their lives”. Everybody wants to reach their place early so a lot of people do not follow the red light. They don't stop on red light. (Specially the bus drivers) . There are different definitions of success for different persons. For some persons health is success and for some job is success and so on. There are a lot of such types of example. From the starting of a student's life ..... getting that first A+ grade is a succes...