Motivational and Inspirational Speak on SUCCESS

"Success is comes from experience and experience comes from bad experiences."

Everybody in this world wants to be successful but a very few peoples come in the category of successful persons. According to me, every person has success but they haven't thought they are successful.

For example in India there are many unmaintained roads and many cities are not safe in concern about driving but still there are thousands of people driving on these roads for years, “don’t you think they are successful in saving their lives”. Everybody wants to reach their place early so a lot of people do not follow the red light. They don't stop on red light. (Specially the bus drivers) .

There are different definitions of success for different persons. For some persons health is success and for some job is success and so on.

There are a lot of such types of example. From the starting of a student's life .....  getting that first A+ grade is a success ,after that getting a degree is success for them and after that getting a job is also a success for them. Here we can see that after some time the definition of success is changed for them. And for some peoples marriage is success...

So actually the truth is that they don't know they are all really successful...

Now I share some important steps to get success:

1. First we need to create is a desire.
Now the question arises how can we create desire?
To create a desire is not a big deal, because in some work, a person takes a lot of interest in doing, that is a desire for him/her.

I tell you the simple way to know our desire:

The Person who doesn’t take interest in work they are doing and they wants to do something different. Then you need to create a list (it contains the things what you want to do or what you want to achieve in life) , After that you compare the things and select few from all (according to priorities) . The number of things decreases and then you compare again and at last you get that thing i.e. is most important (your Actual desire) and all your dreams depend upon that desire.

For example you want car, bungalow, company or want to be a rock star, doctor, engineer or actor etc. Than you just compare home with money like if you don't have money would you buy your home, car? would you make your own company? So For  getting money, you have to become something(like if you have interest in writing... then you also become an author..  if you have interest in photography... then become the world best photographer....(do what you want is the key to get DESIRE... Desire is the key to get SUCCESS) )

Now We have desire then next is how you take step towards action to fulfill our desire matters.

For start our work on desire, we want some ideas but the people instead of giving ideas they give lectures that you are not able to that work, leave it.... or are you mad?? is there any benefit of it....,,  okk tell me what will you do by doing that,,,  it is impossible... i told you na..  don't ask me these silly questions,,, or concentrate on study like B.Tech., MBBS..... there is nothing in the singing, photography etc.... 

At that time your mind is full of confusion... and you think yr,,, what will i do?? no one help me...  sometimes you LOSE your CONFIDENCE,, so just remove this confusion... and think if no one here for you... its fine but where are you for yourself..  you just need to turn your innovative and creative ideas into action towards desire because nothing is impossible. your PASSION towards desire brings CONFIDENCE in you. We just need to change our thinking.

People have a lot of reasons to stop you but you have only one reason that you have to do it and you can do it. you have to face some problems but for every problem there is always one solution exists.

Now you planned about your desire... its time to take action.. Because your desire and confidence doesn’t works until that you can not take any action. So it is the most important step to become successful.

3rd and the last most important step is "SHARING"
it is called as a "law of universe". if you don't not share your ideas, knowledge with other persons then you can never be successful.

(Reason is By sharing your knowledge, your experience of failure--win give you some ideas)

The peoples who are successful they knows the law of sharing, there is a company of pure honey and aloe vera "FOREVER" in USA. they knows the law of sharing that's why this is the only company whose products are sailed in 288 countries all over world. they can give a free opportunity to make free money for the people. They gives 3 international tours in a year to all the managers and higher post people. And in this company everybody gets the post of manager in between 3-4 years work. so here we can see if any company can do a lot of things for people then it is obvious that company must be successful.

Not only companies the same are doing in some business management becoz they think about their workers.  They people are also successful in our work.

so "THE LAW OF SHARING" is that much important.
By spreading our love, knowledge, ideas, kindness, you attract the people towards our self. becoz you don't need to impress them... you need to express yourself in front of them... that's it.....

Thank you

At last if you have any questions... then you can ask??
and please tell us by comment ... whether this post is useful for you??


  1. good though few spelling errors..but as it is said practice makes one perfect...still worth the shot..

  2. some errors but its ok.
    you said right about losing your confidence....this definitely happens with me...i get demotivate very easily and i lose interest after some time..
    thanks for sharing....


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