
"Be Patient. Good things come to those who wait."

You must learn to be patient. Patient with yourself and the people in this world. You must learn to slow down. To take some time to breathe, to notice, to appreciate what you have. Just trust that in the moment you really need an answer it will come to you clearly. You will know what you need to do, to say, to give. Believe in yourself, in the life you are leading. Trust that you can and will figure this all out. Give yourself the time and space to do that.

Breathe. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay. Just breathe. Breathe, and remind yourself of all the times in the past you felt this scared. All of the times you felt this anxious and this overwhelmed. All of the times you felt this level of pain. And remind yourself how each time, you made it through. Life has thrown so much at you, and despite how difficult things have been, you’ve survived. Breathe and trust that you can survive this too. Trust that this struggle is part of the process. And trust that as long as you don’t give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it.


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